Professional Educational Assistance Loan
The Board of Trustees and Administration of Stanton County Hospital and Long Term Care wish to attract and encourage individuals in the health care field. In an effort to help with the high cost of health care education, a professional educational assistance loan program has been developed. Individuals interested in pursuing a career in health care may complete an application, and be evaluated according to the established criteria. Selection will be made and approved by the Board of Trustees for financial assistance.
Financial assistance will be provided within the capabilities of the facility. Funding will be provided in exchange for a commitment to return to Stanton County Hospital for employment upon successful completion of the school and appropriate licensing. (A year’s commitment for a year’s funding, etc.)
First priority will be given to individuals currently employed for at least six months. However, this does not mean automatic funding. Funding will be based on need, work performance, dependability, and applicant’s potential as a quality, long term health care professional desired by Stanton County Hospital and Long Term Care Facility.