Rights & Responsibilities

Stanton County hospital, its staff and its representatives respects the rights of the patient, recognizes that each patient is an individual with unique health care needs. Because of the importance of respecting each patient`s personal dignity, we will provide considerate, respectful care focused upon the patient’s individual needs, without regard to age, gender, cultural, economic, education or religious background or the source of payment for care.

Patient Rights

  1. The patient has the right to receive considerate and respectful care from all within the hospital.
  2. The patient has the right to choose his/'her personal attending physician, but this does not mean that the physician must serve the patient. If the physician of the patient’s choosing fails to fulfill a given requirement, such as frequency of physician visits, the facility will have the right, alter informing the patient, to seek alternate physician participation to assure provision of appropriate and adequate care and treatment.
  3. The patient has the right to have his/her physician discuss his/her diagnosis and plan for treatment and recover in language that is easily understood.
  4. The patient has the right to receive from his/her physician information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment. Exceptions may occur in emergencies.
  5. The patient has the right to refuse any treatment that the law allows. You will be informed of how the refusal could affect your condition.
  6. The patient has the right to every consideration of his/her privacy concerning his/her own medical care.
  7. The patient has the right to expect that all communications and records pertaining to his/her care as treated as confidential and has the right to access his/her medical record.
  8. The patient has the right to expect, within its capacity, the hospital to make reasonable responses to requests of a patient for services.
  9. The patient has the right to obtain information as to any relationship of' his/her hospital to other health care and educational institutions insofar as his/her care is concerned.
  10. The patient has the right to refuse to take part in research affecting his/'her care.
  11. The patient has the right to reasonable Continuity of care and to know in advance the time and location of follow
    up appointments as well as the identity of the person providing care.
  12. The patient has the right to examine and receive explanation of his/her bill regardless of source of payment. The patient has the right to know what hospital rules and regulations apply to his/her conduct as a patient.
  13. The patient has the right to report concerns regarding care/treatment to Livanta 1-888-755-5580 (Livanta is a Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization)
  14. The competent patient has the right to formulate advanced directive (Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney) to expect the hospital and its agents to comply with these directives.
  15. The patient has the right to privacy, a safe environment, and to be free of abuse and/or harassment.
  16. The patient has the right to be free of any restraints.

Patient Responsibilities

Patients shall assume the following responsibilities:

  1. Patients are responsible for providing accurate and complete information about their present illness, past illnesses and other matters relating to their health status.
  2. Patients are responsible to report unexpected changes in his/her condition to the nurse or physician.
  3. Patients are responsible for following their treatment plan as recommended by their physician.
  4. Patients are responsible to meet any prior notification requirement of their insurance carrier.
  5. Patients are responsible for complying with rules and regulations that are established by the hospital such as the “No Smoking” policy.
  6. Patients are responsible for providing a copy of their Advanced Directive, if one has been made to the hospital and their physician.
  7. Patients are responsible for informing care givers of specific needs with regard to their personal value and beliefs.
  8. Patients are responsible for paying their hospital bill promptly. lf necessary, call Business Office at 620-492« 6250 (English or Espanol) about arrangements for payment.
  9. Patients are responsible for treating hospital with consideration and respect.