We offer private rooms for your privacy and comfort. Emergency admissions and room availability may sometimes necessitate semi-private accommodations. No matter what type of room, you can expect the same quality service.
Visiting hours for the hospital are 8am to 8pm. Children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of 6 years must be authorized by the nurse on duty, the patient’s physician, or administration.
The Stanton County Family Practice clinic is open Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Please call (620) 492-1400 for an appointment.
We offer private rooms for your privacy and comfort. Emergency admissions and room availability may sometimes necessitate semi-private accommodations. No matter what type of room, you can expect the same quality service.
Please remember to bring your insurance card and identification. For your personal needs, you only need a few items like toiletries, bath robe, slippers with non-slip soles, and night clothes. You may also want to bring some reading materials from home.
We prefer that you leave your valuables and jewelry at home. The hospital is not responsible for loss of personal items.
Telephones are provided in all patient rooms at no additional charge. All long-distance calls must be made collect or with a calling card. To make local calls, dial "9" and then the number.
Stanton County Hospital (SCH) does have wireless internet available and cell phones are allowed. However, we are not responsible if these items are lost or broken.
Color television is available in all patient rooms at no extra charge. Please be considerate of other guests by keeping the volume low.
SCH Social Services can help you and your family plan and arrange for the care you will need following discharge from the hospital. Your nurse can make arrangements for Social Services to visit with you.
As a courtesy, we will bill your insurance company for you. You should be aware that hospital insurance plans do not always provide full coverage for your bill. Learn More
Free patient and visitor parking is available in the lot South of the Main Entrance as well as in the spaces provided along Greenwood and Chestnut streets, to the South and East of the Main Entrance.
If you are considering the services of a long term care facility, please (620) 492-6250 ext. 162 to inquire and schedule a tour of our facility.
We welcome any comments or suggestions that will help us serve you better in the future. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions, comments or suggestions. Contact Us